Random Acts of Kindness

The true-life tie-in to Good Sam, the bestselling novel and Netflix feature film.

A disabled veteran in Oregon opens his front door to find that an anonymous Good Samaritan has left him a brand-new riding mower.

In Oklahoma City, a woman who has just lost her job is amazed when a stranger swoops in and pays for her groceries.

In snowy Boston, warm blankets mysteriously appear on park benches throughout the city with a note: “These blankets are not lost! If you are cold, without shelter, and looking for comfort, then they are for you. Enjoy, and know that you are loved.”

The true, inspiring tales in Random Acts of Kindness spotlight ordinary people from age nine to one hundred who have found unique ways to show compassion and make a difference. Some of these stories will warm your heart and make you laugh; others will make you smile; and a few might make you cry—in a good way—with the joy of knowing there is so much goodness and generosity in the world.

From the author of the bestselling novel Good Sam (now a motion picture on Netflix worldwide) and award-winning journalist Rachel Greco, these uplifting stories will fill you with hope and gratitude, restore your spirit, and give you faith in the power of kindness to transform you and the world around you.

Praise for Random Acts of Kindness

“A highly entertaining book that should be slowly savored, not read in just one or two absorbing sessions…Some of the stories will warm your heart and make you laugh; others will make you smile; and a few will make you cry—in a good way—with the joy of knowing there’s so much goodness and kindness in the world…These inspiring, true tales offer brief, realistic insights of compassionate deeds…A thought-provoking book that is likely to make the reader pause and reflect—and maybe consider what they can do to help their local community—or needful people or organizations world-wide.”
—Ray Walsh, Lansing State Journal
“The stories Dete Meserve and Rachel Greco share touch my heart and give me hope. Random Acts of Kindness shows us the meaning of life is to give each human being the opportunity to live a genuine and authentic life dedicated and devoted to life enhancing and loving behavior.”
—Author Bernie Siegel MD
“A wonderful non-fiction companion to Good Sam, Random Acts of Kindness is a current Chicken Soup for the Soul. Really enjoyed these stories—great solace in tough times.”
—Author Rebecca Rosenberg
“A feel-good book readers will not want to miss! A lovely collection of inspirational stories penned by talented authors.”
—Author Kellie Coates Gilbert
Random Acts of Kindness should be required reading for everyone. I’m serious! It’s packed with uplifting, beautiful, and heartwarming stories showing the goodness of people. I savored this book and read a few stories each day. I found myself reflecting on the good that was being done by these common, ordinary people—people like you and me. Most of these stories will melt your heart and some will bring on some tears, but they all will lift your mood and make you want to share some kindness.”
—Susan Deuel Schleicher, Reviewer, The Book Bag

“I loved this collection of stories about the better side of human nature. This is definitely a ‘feel good’ book that you will find yourself picking up more than once.”
—USA Today bestselling author Bette Lee Crosby

A Note from Dete

My phone chimes, alerting me to another email. It dings with an Instagram notification. A Facebook message.

It will do this all day. Every day.

Gentle chimes that signal an act of kindness. And another story.

Well into the night, the messages arrive from people everywhere, all sharing stories about those who bring happiness and kindness to others. They always come with a joyful note:

“Can you believe what this little boy is doing?!”

“What a remarkable Good Sam this is!”

“Have your tissues handy, Dete!”

That’s why I brought this book to life. I had to share the beautiful truth that despite what we see on the news, thousands of people are performing meaningful acts of kindness around the globe. Every day.

But the book’s journey truly began when a friend shared an article, written by award-winning journalist Rachel Greco, about a Good Samaritan in Michigan who gave a disabled woman—a woman he’d never met—a new van. As I read the story, I got a lump in my throat, and tears stung the corners of my eyes: sure signs that the tale was awakening in me a powerful reminder of human kindness and compassion.

I reached out to Rachel and discovered a kindred spirit—and someone with whom to partner on this book. Rachel regularly covered troubling news about car crashes, house fires, and brutality, longing to write more stories about people who bring light and hope to others. Each week, as we reviewed dozens of story ideas to consider for Random Acts of Kindness, we found ourselves in awe of the many beautiful, surprising ways people help others.

These stories restore hope.

Certain kinds of heroes—firefighters, doctors, and paramedics—rush in when things go wrong. But the stories in Random Acts of Kindness spotlight ordinary people from age nine to one hundred who have found creative, inspiring, unique ways to give back and make a difference. Some of the stories will warm your heart and make you laugh; others will make you smile; and a few will make you cry—in a good way—with the joy of knowing there’s so much goodness and kindness in the world.

Each of these stories is true and original. Rachel and I spent countless hours tracking down Good Sams, interviewing them, and writing stories to honor the spirit of what they were doing. Working on this book has made us profoundly aware of the boundless goodness all around us.

That’s what we hope happens to you as you read this book. These stories are uplifting, joyous, and comforting. They’ll restore your spirit and bring a smile to your face, whether you’re going through a difficult time or practicing gratitude for all that’s good and wondrous in your life.

We hope these stories also inspire you to be your best self and find gentle, loving, thoughtful ways to bring joy and hope to those you care about—or even complete strangers. “Each and every one of us can become a bright candle,” Pope Francis once said, “a reminder that light will overcome darkness and never the other way around.”

None of the Good Sams profiled in this book are famous—although they should be!—nor do they possess large sums of money or any special abilities. They’re ordinary people who became extraordinary through making the world a better place—one random act of kindness at a time.